Josie_Green's Blog

Just A Way To Keep Me Busy.

No Title.

Hi! I couldn't think of a title. XD


I know not an entry for two days, I have been really busy and such. So what's up guys? I figured out how to change it from diary to blog! Also I changed the comments section so now everyone can comment even if they aren't users.


We had another kitten die..



RIP Scrap.

COD: Heart issue.


That means Anastasia has no more brothers. Not like she cares though!


It's weird to think July is nearly over. O_O

On another less depressing note the Royal Baby was born!!!!! It was a prince! I wish it was a girl though becuase we need more female role models in this world. Not just men, it's so unfair.

On RES all accounts are on mods. I hate this, I have stuff I really need to be doing there.


Also I know I didn't post those pictures like a promised of the clothes but somethings going on with the picture thing on iPod, but I promise I will try to post them later.

Until then though I do have a poem for you guys though...

You are the hater

You are the hater who says I am fat.
You are the hater who knocks off my hat.
You are the hater who laughs at my spots.
You are the hater who pulls on my locks.
You are the hater who causes me grief.
You are the hater who smirks at my teeth.
You are the hater who screws up my work.
You are the hater who calls me a jerk.
You are the hater who will go down for this.
I am the victim who no one will miss.

Written By: Chloe Paz Thomas


So the quote of the day is...

"They tell you to be yourself but then they go and judge you,''



Dedicated to: To all my haters, I hope you guys see how awful you really are for judging me and harrassing me.


Well I don't have very much to say today I guess. :P
