Josie_Green's Blog

Just A Way To Keep Me Busy.

A Tragic Day In RES.



So last night the news quickly spread that the forever remembered Queen eh had died now three days ago. She had comitted suicide. Her sister had gotton on to her account and told us. It isn't the first person on RES to do so though. When I first joined there was a girl who was having a major back operation and soon after her surgery her best friend cam on to tell us she hadn't made it.

I miss the old RES without all the stupid filter stuff and the look. I had so many friends but then it all changed and I haven't heard from any of my friends then except Star and Rebel. In some ways I feel if it didn't happen then I wouldn't be friends with Comet, Kindle, Mushy, Chase, Red, Moshi gal, Jakie and Rebel.


This news of Queen eh is really sad and if people only knew of this foundation it would be a miracle.



Stand for the silent is run by Kirk Smalley and his wife. Their son at age eleven comitted suicide after years of harassment and finally one day at school he was suspendend for finally standing up to his bully. That day when he was taken home from school his mom was called back to work. Little Ty was home alone and his family being hunters he shot himself. He was found on his parents bedroom flooor. They have a list. A list with over 1000 anmes on it. The youngest one is a little boy who was 6. If you want to check out their site and donate or purchase clothing, bracelets, ETC. the link to the site will be in my links. I really hope you check out the website. 


So for the quote of the day its is:

                               "And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together,"

                                                  -Marilyn Monroe.

Dedicated to: All my new and old friends on RES. You guys are my family there and I am super lucky to have met you!


The poem today is also by Marilyn Monroe today too.

 I've got a tear hanging over my beer that I can't let go

It's too bad

I feel sad

When I got all my life behind me.

If I had a little relief

From this grief


I couldfind a drowning straw to hold on to.

It's great to be alive.

They say I'm lucky to be alive

It's hard to figure out -

When everything I feel -


                        -Marilyn Monroe


On RES I now finally have some accounts working. A grand total of three now work. Which is good. Nothing too explosive has heppened their yet, but trust me if it does screen shots will sure come!

